Forget Predictions - Here's One Certainty!

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Forget the “Top Ten Predictions for Manufacturing in 2018” lists. Here is one certainty you can count on.  

“The hardest sell is convincing someone you’re not what you’ve been for decades… Or convincing them that you have more to offer” - Scott Adams

The certainty is that in order to reclaim the position as the global leader, US Manufacturers need to wholeheartedly embrace Digital Transformation.

They need to tell some truths to:

• Convince themselves that Digital Transformation is necessary;

• Convince their Employees that change is necessary;

• Convince their Customers that they have more to offer;

• Convince the World that Manufacturing is back!

But if you do like lists, we recommend you check this one out - Top 10 Predictions for Global Manufacturing in 2018: IDC

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