Industry Reflections on National Manufacturing Day

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Industry 4.0 is here, yet most manufacturers are still struggling to “Do More with Less.”


Common challenges we hear when working with Manufacturing clients:

• How can we do more with less when existing resources and utilization are already tapped?

• We’ve already invested lots of time and energy the past several decades employing the principles of Lean Manufacturing & Six Sigma to reduce waste and improve quality in our production, what else can we do?

• We can’t find quality workers to help us grow and our experienced workforce is approaching retirement - how do we transition tribal knowledge and educate and grow our future workforce?

• We have antiquated / legacy systems anchoring us from evolving other areas of the business - what can be done to move to modern, mobile and agile platforms to give us the information and data we’re looking for?


So what is going to break down these barriers and help propel Manufacturing towards the future?

We believe it’s going to be Digital Transformation. When we say this, most organizations automatically assume that this means updating their IT department and systems.

“The word 'digital' now means something different. It used to be synonymous with 'IT.' Nowadays, a company’s digital strategy practically drives the roadmap and goals of many departments, from marketing to sales to HR.” -Harvard Business Review


Recognizing this disconnect, Mountain Point was formed 4 years ago to help guide our prospective and future manufacturing clients on a journey to overcome these challenges.


We believe Manufacturing’s next revolution extends well beyond the product and will be focused around the value added services & experiences delivered to customers


We digitally transform our manufacturing customers' People, Processes, Technology & Data leveraging the Salesforce Platform.


We extend lean principles beyond the the shop floor to drive value and reduce waste focusing on continuous improvement in all areas of the business

Aside from being a modern technology suite of applications and services, the Salesforce Platform has been a great change agent we use to facilitate, expose and drive these discussions around innovation, automation and process improvement beyond the shop floor and into the business.

Becoming a customer centric organization and using the platform to gain a 360 degree view of them is still the ultimate goal and we feel our knowledge and expertise helps keep our customers focused on the transformational items necessary (People, Process, Data) to making this happen.

Topics: Digital Transformation

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