Legacy ERP Systems Can No Longer Keep Pace

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Topics: Rootstock ERP

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The following are excerpts taken from a Forbes blog post "The Days of Brute Force ERP are Over"

Enterprises need to decide if their legacy ERP systems are an asset or liability in serving existing customers and gaining new ones.

Left unchecked, legacy ERP systems can blind enterprises from their customers, making them lose agility and speed in a very fast-moving and turbulent global economic environment.

As a result, many monolithic, legacy ERP systems aren’t capable of keeping up with the information needs of modern business models.

Agility, responsiveness, speed and the ability to scale strategies galvanized around meeting and beating customer expectations requires a new approach to how ERP systems are designed, implemented and used.  The following key take-aways are based on conversations with aerospace, defense, discrete and industrial manufacturers in addition to financial services firms:

  • Investing in ERP usability increases the value and velocity of customer information
  • Making responsiveness equal revenue becomes possible when an ERP system reaches over 60% or greater adoption.
  • Improving ERP system usability on the shop floor improves cycle time reductions, reduces order re-work, improves quality management and leads to greater production yields.
  • The most promising ERP systems today are purpose-built to exceed the usability requirements of specific, targeted industries across all platforms including mobile.

Mountain Point specializes in business transformations helping manufacturing companies work through these challenges.  Contact us today so we can start the conversation to ensure your ERP system isn't a liability in 2014.

Topics: Rootstock ERP

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