3 Keys to a Successful Cloud ERP Implementation

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Implementing a new ERP system is going to be painful.  You need to find common ground somewhere in the middle between keeping the existing processes and trying to over-engineer a new way of doing business.  Getting your key stakeholders involved early and ensuring they are well trained will help out tremendously.  But most importantly just take the leap!  You will never account for every test case, every scenario, have all the data cleaned and pristine for the new ERP system - you have to jump.

3 Keys to Success

  1. Clean Data: Your data will never be pristine, but as long as you have it organized and understand the structure of your Legacy ERP system being able to get that data mapped, translated and loaded into your new system is half the battle.
  2. Users can do their jobs: Switching to a new Cloud ERP is going to be difficult for users.  Understanding the functional roles and making sure these users can accomplish the basic everyday functions will go a long way.  Picking up the shortcuts, tips and tricks will evolve over the following weeks after go-live.
  3. You can ship product: Customers won't put their operations on hold while you get your system up and running.  As long as you can get your orders out the door your business will survive.

Are you looking to embark on moving from green screens to cloud ERP - we'd love to have a conversation and share our lessons learned and best practices!

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