20 Most Promising ERP Solution Providers 2017

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Mountain Point Named to CIOReview’s “20 Most Promising ERP Solution Providers 2017”
FREMONT, CA— Mountain Point has been recognized as one of the top 20 ERP Solution Providers of 2017 by CIOReview Magazine.

“It’s a great honor to select Mountain Point as one among the 20 Most Promising ERP Solution Providers of 2017,” said Jeevan George, Managing Editor of CIOReview.

Mountain Point is ranked by CIOReview based on its specialties in Saleforce.com, Cloud ERP, Integration, and Custom Mobile & Business App Development. With the vast array of value added services and applications to choose from on the Salesforce Platform, Mountain Point addresses the issues that are often faced by organizations to stitch these applications together to ensure effective and efficient data flow.

About Mountain Point
Founded in 2013, Mountain Point is a digital transformation firm specializing in the Salesforce Platform, CloudERP, and the Manufacturing vertical. It leverages technological expertise to help businesses transform their processes in order to be ahead of the curve in the digital age. For more info, visit: www.mountainpoint.com

About CIOReview
Published from Fremont, California, CIOReview is a print magazine that explores and understands the plethora of ways adopted by firms to execute the smooth functioning of their businesses. A distinguished panel comprising of CEOs, CIOs, IT VPs including CIOReview editorial board finalized the “20 Most Promising ERP Solution Providers 2017” and shortlisted the best vendors and consultants. For more info, visit: www.cioreview.com

Topics: Digital Transformation, Rootstock ERP

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