How Lodge Cast Iron Harnessed the Salesforce Platform & Increased Holiday Sales by Over 92%

Julie Corrigan
By Julie Corrigan | Project Manager & Business Analyst, Mountain Point
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Lodge Cast Iron Success Story
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Lodge Puts Customer Experience at the Center of Everything They Do

Lodge Cast Iron puts one thing above all else: customer satisfaction. They knew they wanted to use Salesforce to better connect with customers and enhance customer service. So they turned to Mountain Point to assist with implementing a broad range of solutions all unified through the Salesforce platform. And it paid off. With these new strategies and tools in place, they increased their holiday sales by over 92%. Check out Lodge’s ROI and Outcomes Success Story to see how they did it — and what they achieved along the way!

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Innovative, Strategic Team

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“Julie, Billy, Andrew, and everyone we worked with at Mountain Point were amazingly helpful, fun to work with, innovative, strategic, and incredibly responsive. I look forward to working with them on Salesforce projects in the future." 

-Mandy Finotti, Lodge Cast Iron

The Digital Transformation Journey

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Lodge tasked Mountain Point with helping them implement solutions to keep up with their expanding product line and growing popularity. 

Goals: Automate, Automate, Automate

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To provide better experiences for their customers, Lodge wanted to focus on automating processes and improving customers’ experiences. They had five goals:

  1. To move beyond spreadsheets and integrate SAGE ERP on the Salesforce platform.
  2. Create an automated process to increase visibility in tracking orders, shipping, and inventory availability. 
  3. Implement automated return processes in Service Cloud to eliminate the need for shared spreadsheets across multiple teams. 
  4. Create and schedule integrations for Lodge’s customers and consumers, including web orders, shipments, packages, invoices, and payments. 
  5. Streamline and automate processes for the Customer Service team — and across all departments — and establish methods to measure performance. 

How We Got There

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To help Lodge drive internal efficiency, we created automated processes to allow for real-time insights into their inventory and streamlined scheduling and reporting abilities. With that information at their fingertips, Lodge’s customer service team is now better positioned to serve their customers. To further strengthen the customer’s experience, we implemented a chat function on their website and implemented Marketing Cloud.

ROI and Key Outcomes: Greater efficiency, increased customer transactions

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By integrating data sources and automating processes, Lodge was able to process purchases and track inventory at an unprecedented rate.

With the ability to see employees’ workloads at-a-glance, Service Managers are able to more equitably distribute workloads, resulting in less stress for employees and less overtime. Increased access to information led to faster response times — and happier customers.

Those efforts have paid off. Year-over-year holiday season sales have increased by more than 90%!

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Tools and Solutions Used: The Salesforce Platform

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Lodge previously implemented SAGE ERP, but needed to increase its availability to internal teams to maximize its potential with customer interactions. The integration with Salesforce has provided valuable insight into customers and products.

Salesforce Sales, Service, Commerce & Marketing Clouds

By centralizing their data on the Salesforce platform, Lodge has developed unified solutions that enabled Lodge’s teams to be more efficient and responsive in their interactions with customers and consumers.

True Partner

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“Mountain Point delivers quick results in a fun, innovative, and consultative fashion. Working with the team at Mountain Point has been a pleasure. We feel like we found a true partner that was solutions-oriented and focused on the way we do business. You couldn’t find a better group of people to implement your project.” 

-Mandy Finotti, Lodge Cast Iron

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Topics: ROI, Customer Success

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