How Pro-Tech is Using Rootstock ERP to Improve Efficiency and Drive Sales

Tony Vagnerini
By Tony Vagnerini | Principal ERP Consultant, Mountain Point
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ROI and Outcomes

When Pro-Tech's business started growing rapidly, they knew they needed to build an infrastructure to scale. They turned to Rootstock Cloud ERP and Mountain Point to help them put the right people, processes, technology, and analytics in place to position their company for long-term success. Check out Pro-Tech's ROI and Outcomes Success Story to see how they did it — and what they achieved along the way!


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Doing More with Less


"Our transactions have increased by more than 200% over the past couple of years, but we’ve been able to handle the increase without bringing on any additional staff." 

- Chris Muto, Sales Operations Manager, Pro-Tech 

The Digital Transformation Journey


In 2016, Pro-Tech decided to leave their on-premise ERP system and manual processes behind. Their goal: to bring their company into the future. They partnered with Mountain Point to guide them through their digital transformation journey. 

Goals: Streamline, Automate, and Connect


In moving to a Cloud ERP system, Pro-Tech wanted to streamline and automate processes while improving customer experience and connecting more directly with end users. Objectives included: 
  1. Move from a legacy, on-premise ERP system to Rootstock Cloud ERP on the Salesforce platform.

  2. Allow Pro-Tech’s Shop Floor users to perform transactions faster and in bulk.

  3. Automate processes to perform work order transactions with custom actions and scheduled batches. 

  4. Allow Pro-Tech to grow their business without the dependency of increased manual processing by users within Rootstock. 

  5. Integrate Pro-Tech’s warranty registration process on their website with Salesforce and Rootstock. 

How We Got There


To help Pro-Tech process transactions quickly and in bulk, we built custom tools on the work order object. This included automating and streamlining transactions like extracting operations and components, issuing components, work order receipts and work order close.

To drive user adoption and ensure success, we assisted Pro-Tech with implementing and configuring the Rootstock platform.

And finally, to help Pro-Tech gain insight into their end customers, we created a warranty registration process on their website that stores the warranty record in Salesforce and Rootstock. 

ROI and Key Outcomes: Greater efficiency, reduced overhead


By integrating data sources and automating processes, Pro-Tech was able to process work orders faster, saving 8 hours per week in staff time. 

Because their team members are able to work more efficiently, Pro-Tech has been able to focus more on growing their business and improving their products. And they’ve shorted internal lead times by more than a day on average.  

Those efforts have paid off. Sales transactions have grown by 200%. Even better: they’ve been able to handle the increase without needing to hire additional staff! 

Tools and Solutions Used: Salesforce Sales Cloud and Rootstock ERP


Rootstock Cloud ERP

Pro-Tech chose Rootstock to harness all of their manufacturing processes and data in one place. The agility and interconnectedness of Rootstock give them a true 360-degree view of their business and allow them to keep pace with shifting market demands. Learn more about Rootstock. 

Salesforce Sales Cloud

By centralizing their data on the Salesforce platform, Pro-Tech has been able to develop unified solutions that enhance and monitor every sector of the business from their front-end CRM to the Shop Floor. Learn more about manufacturing solutions in Sales Cloud.

Salesforce + Rootstock: A Powerful Combination 


"Mountain Point has deep knowledge of the Salesforce platform in addition to their knowledge of Rootstock ERP. It's one thing to know Rootstock, but when combined with their deep knowledge of Salesforce; serious enhancements and power get brought out of both products." - Chris Muto, Pro-Tech

Using Cloud ERP to Improve Customers' Experience and Increase Sales


Want to hear about additional outcomes and strategies Pro-Tech has implemented through their ERP and CRM systems? Check out Episode 1:10 of our podcast, Data in Depth! 

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Topics: Rootstock ERP, ROI, Customer Success

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