New Podcast tackles data and analytics in manufacturing

Kelsey Clough
By Kelsey Clough | Marketing and Customer Experience Consultant
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Data in Depth: Big Data for Manufacturers

Data in Depth explores the world of advanced analytics, business intelligence, and machine learning in the manufacturing industry. In each episode, we talk with industry leaders and analytics experts to help manufacturers gain a 360-degree view of the shop floor, their business processes, and their customers. We dig into the concepts of descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive analytics to help solve modern manufacturing problems. From MRP to quality control, from field service to customer experience, our conversations are designed to spur innovative, data-driven thinking for those working to build the factories of the future.

We kicked off this podcast with Data as a Differentiator: The Manufacturer's Roadmap for Competing on Analytics. In this episode, host and Mountain Point President and Co-Founder, Andrew Rieser sat down with Skye Reymond, a Data Scientist with extensive experience in the manufacturing industry, to discuss how analytics are the key to giving companies the advantage over their competitors. 

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Have a topic you'd love to hear more about? Interested in being our next guest? Let us know in the comments below! 

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