The 5 best Salesforce for Manufacturing presentations from Dreamforce events past

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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This year’s Dreamforce conference promises Salesforce’s sharpest focus on manufacturing to date. With hundreds of Salesforce for Manufacturing sessions, presenters, and booths, manufacturers who attend (or follow along online) are sure to gain new ideas and resources.

2018 is the first time Dreamforce has included such a strong emphasis on the manufacturing sector. However, Salesforce has teased its new focus on the manufacturing vertical for a while now, and previous Dreamforce events were not without a few shining moments of manufacturing glory.

To help you gear up for Dreamforce 2018, here’s a look back at some of our favorite manufacturing sessions from years past.

1. The 2015 Salesforce for Manufacturing Keynote Address

The 2015 Salesforce for Manufacturing Keynote address was the first time Salesforce dedicated a keynote presentation to the manufacturing space. Three years later, it stands as proof of Salesforce’s forward-thinking approach to digital transformation. The one-hour session covers a variety of issues that have since become top-priority for manufacturers. These priorities include customer experience, servitization, the rise of connected products, and value-chain alignment.



2. Changing the Game with Field Service Lightning: Engage Customers on Their Turf

In 2016, Salesforce launched its Field Service Lightning (FSL) product. FSL helps companies provide high-quality customer experience and streamlines their service operations. This session provides an overview of the company’s vision for FSL and the benefits it provides.

3. Simplifying the Complex Manufacturing Sale

Also in 2016, Salesforce began to dive deep into the complexities of manufacturing sales and develop solutions to streamline that process. This session stresses the importance of increasing the overall relationship value with channel partners and end-customers alike. It also offers practical insight to close more sales and increase revenue.

4. The 2017 Salesforce for Manufacturing Keynote Address

Last year’s Manufacturing Keynote was a sharp call to action for manufacturers to move beyond widget-making. The focus was on creating holistic customer experiences. As the presenter, Cindy Bolt, said, “This is about survival.”

5. Customer Success in the 4th Industrial Revolution

The 2017 Dreamforce event highlighted the rapid changes occurring as a result of the 4th industrial revolution. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff set the tone by arguing that these technological shifts are a historic opportunity to serve our customers better.



After watching these videos, we can’t wait to see what Dreamforce 2018 has in store for us. This year’s conference promises to be the best for manufacturing yet! When you’re planning your schedule, be sure to check out our free PDF guide to the best 2018 Salesforce for Manufacturing sessions, activities, and exhibits.

Click to Download!


Topics: Dreamforce, Manufacturing Cloud

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