Salesforce Opportunity Management Models for Manufacturers

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Salesforce Opportunity Management Models for Manufacturers

As a leading Salesforce Consulting Partner, focused on the Manufacturing market segment, Mountain Point understands the intricacies around the different selling models and more importantly a strong understanding and framework for how the Salesforce Platform can be tailored to these models.

In our setup and implementation of various Salesforce Platform products for Manufacturers, we frequently come across the following selling models as we help our clients with their Inquire to Order processes and procedures to truly gain a 360 degree view of their customer base.  Typical Selling Models that we encounter include, but are not limited to:

Master (Parent) vs Direct (Child) Opportunity

  • The ability to track opportunities and activities with the procuring entity. An example might be a Transit Authority soliciting new commuter buses.  As a manufacturer of components or subsystems that make up these buses, you want the insights into the overarching - master opportunity.
  • A direct opportunity would be the opportunity with the various OEM's that are bidding on the Master Opportunity (or bus builders if we continue with the same example). 


  • Similar to the above, manufacturers often utilize Dodge Reports or other 3rd party services to identify potential Projects.  They will then work to identify “Specifiers” and start sales and marketing activities to get their products spec’d into the overall Project.

Engineer to Order (aka Made to Order)

  • Often with highly configurable products, they are made to order vs. made to stock. Collaboration with engineering, sharing of drawings, solid models, building of smart part numbers via code books or use of configure price quote (CPQ) tools.

Samples & Trials

  • Providing potential customers with samples or products for a trial period. Obtaining feedback through distribution channels.

Contract and supply agreements

  • Often includes milestones tied to price adjustments based on commodity price indexes and volumes.
What other Opportunity Management models do you currently leverage in your Salesforce Org?  How do you gain insights into your customers and build better relationships with the "End User" of your products?

Topics: Manufacturing Cloud, Sales Cloud

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