Projects - Influencers, Distributors, Activities, and Data

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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GOAL: Effectively manage Project Influencers, Distributors, Activities, and Data.

Manufacturers’ products often get sold as components or materials of a larger Project. These projects can involve many moving pieces and evolve over a longer period of time compared to a standard Opportunity. For example, a construction project involving a new school could require several of your product offerings, involve several existing and new Influencers or Distributors, and include quotes from multiple representatives and distributors.

Common Pain Points

  1. Overstating forecasts and polluting the pipeline because multiple distributors are working the same end user (One “Project” may create 3 – 4 opportunities, but only one distributor gets the deal.)
  2. Project requirement details not tracked within a shared system accessible to all internal parties involved with the sale
  3. Absence of relationships in place showing connections between multiple Opportunities and one Project  (Multiple sales reps trying to close the same deal separately instead of selling collaboratively)
  4. Difficulty running a complete analysis to determine success of company activities
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