How Manufacturers Can Revolutionize Channel Sales Through E-Commerce

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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E-commerce For Manufacturing Webinar
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We recently partnered with IndustryWeek and Salesforce to host a free webinar on practical steps manufacturers can take to revolutionize channel sales and move from a product-centered to a customer-focused business model!

Available: On demand
Duration: 1 hour
Cost: FREE

Watch the recorded webinar

In the past, many manufacturers have considered themselves “widget makers” with profits coming from selling products through channel partners. But in this new omni-channel world, it’s all about the end customer. To compete, manufacturers must steal a few pages from the B2C e-commerce playbook.

In this webinar, Andrew Rieser, President and Co-Founder of Mountain Point,  offers practical strategies for moving to a servitization business model. We focus on how companies can develop customer-focused services and systems of engagement --- resulting in increased customer loyalty and a larger share of the profits across the life-cycle of their products.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Salesforce for sponsoring this webinar and to IndustryWeek for hosting it.

See also: Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: 10 Best Practices 


Topics: Webinar, B2B Commerce

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