You Bought Salesforce… Now What?

Trey Vaught
By Trey Vaught | Salesforce Consultant
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Topics: Sales Cloud

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Tips to customize, automate, and get the most from Salesforce 

You know Salesforce offers amazing benefits for your  business —from a 360-degree view to customized dashboards.  So you took the plunge and purchased a Salesforce license. 

Now what? 

Before you can kick back and enjoy all the benefits, you need a thoughtful, thorough approach to get the most out of your investment.

Think of your Salesforce implementation as pouring the foundation of your home. If the base is not poured properly, anything you build on top will not stand — and you’ll face costly fixes down the road. In the case of your CRM, your data and processes serve as the foundation, so it’s important to get these right from the start.

To create a solid foundation, first, determine what information needs to be tracked and which processes require automation or customization. The best way to do this is by knowing your business. 

Although that may seem like "common sense," it’s sometimes hard to take an objective look at your business when you’re working in it every day. The right partner can help you take a step back to look and think critically about your processes. This sort of insight is crucial to effectively align them with Salesforce.

Even better, a Salesforce implementation partner can help you take advantage of the many automation features available on the platform. From the back office to the shop floor, your company handles a lot every day. Salesforce’s automation tools can help free your team up for more meaningful and critical work that will help you scale your business and increase your bottom line. 

Processes to consider customizing or automating in Salesforce

  • Capture visitors to your site and turn them into leads with Web-to-Lead forms, which can qualify, score, and deliver information to your sales representatives automatically.
  • Standardize your sales process with custom Opportunity Stages that match your best practices.
  • Ensure the correct data is being captured before advancing to the next Opportunity Stage with validation rules and required fields. 
  • Create customized Lead scoring with formula fields. 
  • Create tasks automatically for your sales representatives when Leads are converted or a certain stage is reached. 

Implementing these suggestions will help you maximize value-added time and decrease routine data entry. And they’re only the beginning of what you can streamline with Salesforce.

At Mountain Point, we recognize that your investment in Salesforce represents an important financial and business decision for  your company. It’s an investment that deserves care and attention — and we’re ready to help. We can help you create a lean, efficient Salesforce instance that does exactly what you need it to. With affordable Quickstart and managed services packages,, we can provide you with the value and expertise needed to set your Salesforce foundation right. 

Whether you are brand new to Salesforce, or a long-time user whose company could use a refresh, we can help you get the most out of your investment.  Contact us today!

What's the ROI? Just six months after implementing their digital transformation efforts, luxury textile manufacturer Matouk saw a 233% return on their investments. 

Read the Matouk ROI report



Topics: Sales Cloud

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