Industrial Internet Drives Business Transformation

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Productivity can be described as the ultimate engine of economic growth. When a manufacturer embraces the Industrial Internet and connects the machines on the plant floor to the Internet via software, valuable data is produced and insights are gained. These machines become part of an intelligent network that can make data actionable and drive predictability, which is key to optimizing performance and improving productivity.  - Bernie Anger GM for GE Intelligent Platforms

6 Ways the Industrial Internet Drives Business Transformation

  1. Smart, connected workplace. Smart machines, devices and sensors that are connected and capturing data.  Wearable devices are not only impacting our personal lives, but they are now making an impact in businesses.
  2. Business process monitoring, control, & optimization. Business activities in the office and in the field will be outfitted, measured, and optimized with Big Data techniques applied to manage, orchestrate, and extract meaning from the vast amounts of captured digital data.
  3. Enhance and extend IT.  Digital Transformations and the role of the CIO are drastically enhancing and extending the functions of IT.
  4. Automation of products and services. In the Everything-As-A-Service world, businesses are looking at new ways to automate.  Whether it's Salesforce Automation, Marketing Automation, Service Automation or streamlining new product development.
  5. Business intelligenceThese solutions will turn data into context that can be used to help people and machines make more relevant and valuable decisions.
  6. Staying engaged and connected with customers & the marketplace.  In our highly connected world, customers are using various channels to communicate, share and engage with brands.


Sources: How the Industrial Internet can Drive True Business Transformation,  Internet of Things Strategic Enterprise

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