Billy Weisgerber Receives Community Cloud Certification

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Yesterday, Mountain Point's Billy Weisgerber shared an internal memo bearing great news of his recent achievement: Billy successfully passed the Salesforce Community Cloud Consultant exam! The Salesforce application allows customers, partners, and employees to better connect, and with the introduction of Einstein AI, it now boasts predictive artificial intelligence.

In addition to the good news, Billy included a few tips about his process that we felt could be useful to anyone looking to pass a certification test. Here it is in Billy's own words:

Hey Everyone! So if you haven't heard I passed my Community Cloud Cert, and with that I want to share what I used to study to get to this point. Before I do that, let me share my score in the different sections.
Implementation: 63%
Sharing and Security: 46% (yikes)
Community Setup: 70%
Community Builder: 81%
Community Management: 71%
As you can see, I didn't study Sharing and Security as well as I probably should have, so keep that in mind. Overall though, I passed with a 66%, needed a 58% score to pass. Now on to the things I used to study for this monster!
1. Salesforce's Community Implementation Guide: This is very useful because it will lay out instances and provide step by step instructions that you will need to know, and they have one for each release.
2. Quizlet: Quizlet has a lot of great flash cards that you can use to study terms and sometimes there are actual questions you can study too. The best part about it though is that it is FREE!
3. Salesforce Ben: This site is awesome to use and they have some great practice tests as well. Jason was kind enough to share his login credentials, but you don't need that to do the test (at least the Community Cert), only to download it and comment anything. After taking the test, I reviewed what I got wrong and studied material around each of those and made sure I knew why it was that answer and not what I thought it was.
4. Salesforce Help: Their Help site has a lot of useful information as well, so if you can't find it in any of the above, look there
5. Hands on Experience: also helps with this, so work through the Trailhead, play around in your Dev org and get familiar with how to actually do the stuff. Memorizing things can only get you so far, so make sure you can at least apply some of it too!
Let me know if you have any questions, and I will do my best to answer them!

Topics: Company News

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