Mountain Point Team Earns 3 New Certifications

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Mountain Point is proud to announce we’ve obtained 3 new certifications over the past 2 weeks!

Both Bryan Zelinski and Julie Corrigan successfully passed the Salesforce Admin certification, and Linsey Billings was able to achieve the Sales Cloud Consultant certification. This now gives Mountain Point 19 total Salesforce certifications and they’re not done yet!

Mountain Point’s Bryan Zelinski owes his recent certification success to his 9 years of experience, Trailhead modules, Salesforce Ben, and being a boss at life. Julie Corrigan used a similar study plan including Trailhead, Implementation Guides, Focus on Force study guides, and a mini top hat to keep the sun from burning her face.  Linsey Billings relates her success to Starbucks coffee, Implementation Guides, Salesforce Ben, and crossing her fingers before submitting her exam.

If you want to learn more about what resources Bryan, Julie, and Linsey used to pass their exams, please reply to this post and they will be happy to provide more details and help guide you along your journey to success!

Topics: Company News

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