Improving Processes and Innovating

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Improving Processes and Innovating

Business Process Outsourcing clients want to incorporate data, analytics, cloud and other technologies in a creative mix that will improve their business.

Historically, consulting clients wanted to reduce cost and increase efficiency, both of which were satisfactory goals. Today, these customers want consulting partners to help with innovating and improving processes. Automation and efficiency without improvement are no longer sufficient goals.

Clients expect their service provider to help them innovate and push transformational change.

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is NOT about digitizing the way we’ve always done things, it’s about digitizing the way things need to be done to be more competitive and effective in the future.

The professional services industry is going through a secular change and it will never be like it was, where trillions of dollars were spent maintaining dysfunctional systems and funding huge armies of staff to fumble their way through managing non-standard and often obsolete processes.

What’s been exciting about Digital Transformation is much of the technology is already available.  The digitization of business processes enables plug-and-play services, provides more meaningful data and delivers more seamless business models that are designed for mobile and cloud business environments.

How is your organization adapting? What is your Digital Strategy?


Digital Transformation and Consulting/Outsourcing Firms

Digital Transformation Services Blueprint

Topics: Digital Transformation

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