The Calm Before the Storm

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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With the New Year quickly approaching we are now entering the quiet period just before a great wave of activity and excitement begins.  For our team at Mountain Point, this activity could be the excitement of holiday travels and spending time with friends and family.  But as a business, we see the New Year as a very exciting time for us and for our new and existing clients.

The business leaders we are engaging with have embraced the cloud and are driving change within their organizations and industries.  They have chosen Mountain Point as their trusted technical advisors and cloud integration specialists to help them on their Journey to Peak Performance!

So as our year winds down, take time to enjoy the calm before the storm because there will be plenty of excitement and activity just around the corner!

Happy Holidays!

Topics: Data Integrations

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