Cloud ERP on the Horizon?

Jessica Vodden
By Jessica Vodden | Director of Marketing and Communications, Mountain Point
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The digital forecast is definitely cloudy,
but the likelihood of sun or storms is up to you.

Over the past few years, more and more companies have moved to Cloud ERP systems and cloud-based systems of engagement. Monolithic, on-premise legacy ERP systems are sunsetting with unified Marketing, Sales, Service, and ERP platforms moving in.

The ever-increasing pace and competitive landscape of business, paired with employee and customer expectations make one thing clear: moving to the cloud is no more negotiable than today’s weather. But whether you can expect a sunny or stormy transition is up to you. Here are our top four recommendations for managing digital climate change.

1. Put Cloud ERP on everyone’s radar.

The back office. The factory floor. Your channel partners. Your customers. Moving to a Cloud ERP system will affect all of them --- and that’s a good thing. The whole goal of moving to cloud-based business systems is to build stronger connections and gain a 360-degree view of your company. Start with gaining strong buy-in at the top. Then be prepared to engage stakeholders across the board and undertake major organizational change efforts.

See also: Demo: Cloud ERP Mobile App

2. Shore up critical areas.

Think of your organization as a community and the 4th Industrial Revolution as an imminent storm. What areas are critical to your community’s survival? Is your production line your electrical grid? Is customer service your hospital? Focus 80 percent of your efforts on strengthening these crucial teams or processes.

“Start with the hardest problems you have,” Mountain Point’s President, Andrew Rieser, recommends. “That may seem counterintuitive. We’re often advised to go after the low-hanging fruit. But digital transformation is a big effort, and it doesn’t make sense to invest that time, money, and energy into easy or small wins. Use this as a chance to solve your company’s tough problems. You’ll not only build greater buy-in and momentum but recover your investment faster.”

3. Coordinate, communicate, and stay the course.

When you’re faced with a major --- and possibly chaotic --- event, you need a knowledgeable expert managing resources, charting a course, and ensuring consistent and accurate communication.

That’s where a systems integrator (SI) comes into play. Think of Systems Integrators like Mountain Point as your community preparedness coordinators. We work to make difficult transitions as smooth as possible. We coordinate efforts across internal stakeholders, partners, and technology providers. We serve as translators ensuring effective and timely communication. And we help set goals and keep everyone on track.

This role is essential. In fact, in an article earlier this year, Diginomica contributor Jon Reed said failing to have the right Cloud ERP implementation partner in place is a non-starter.

4. Be prepared.

The 4th Industrial Revolution is moving in, whether your team is ready or not. Understanding cloud systems, developing a digital strategy, and coordinating digital transformation efforts are crucial to effectively weathering the storm. Companies that embrace these changes and tackle them with purpose will not only survive but thrive in our new environment.

Topics: Digital Transformation, Rootstock ERP

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