Cloudscape - Top 300 Cloud Computing Companies

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Bessemer Venture Partners has a long history of successful enterprise software investing, they have been particularly focused on the emergence of Cloud Computing.  According to their site - they  "believe Cloud Computing is the most important trend in the software industry of the decade."

While the growth of this trend is undeniable, many businesses are still struggling with identifying how these cloud technologies can support, enhance, optimize, or transform their business.  This slide, courtesy of BVP, represents a breakdown of the top 300 cloud computing companies organized and categorized into their respective target offering blocks.   With many options across CRM, HR, F&A, Document Management, Marketing, Business Intelligence, etc... businesses can easily become overwhelmed with the options currently out there.

They will also quickly realize that implementing one or more of these technologies will present integration challenges if there are existing legacy systems they are wishing to bolt onto.  For example a business might be wanting to implement CRM and integrate it with their existing business system.

Working with a cloud integration consulting firm like Mountain Point will help you navigate these options and identify the best solution(s) to meet your business needs.   Contact us today for a free consultation and to learn more about our cloud advisory and delivery service offerings!


Topics: Data Integrations

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