Holland Dotts included in first class of Salesforce Marketing Champions

Holland Dotts
By Holland Dotts | Creative Director and Marketing Automation Consultant, Mountain Point
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Topics: Marketing Cloud

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After almost 5 years since beginning my journey in the Salesforce ecosystem, I’ve recently been included in the 2020 inaugural class of “Salesforce Marketing Champions”. Receiving this notification has been an honor, certainly because of the recognition from "the mother ship", but more so because of my inclusion with other members who have been incredibly helpful to me along the way.

As I was learning about Pardot early in my journey, articles created by fellow Marketing Champions like Jenna Mobly, Andrea Tarrell, and Kristina Alexandra were essential in understanding key concepts and functionality where documentation alone fell short. Later, when my focus shifted to Marketing Cloud, Eliot Harper’s content did the same. Learning about my inclusion in the group was fantastic, but when I saw all the familiar names I’ve been seeing for years, it made the announcement so much better.

After several years of working as a consultant in this space, I’ve overcome quite a few hurdles and put together (what I feel are) some clever solutions to business problems that didn't necessarily have a "Best Practice". I’m thrilled to have better access to this wonderful group of champions, and I’m also thankful for the platform to share my experiences  with the community that has helped me so much along the way!

Below are a few pieces of content I've created, and I plan to continue to add links to new posts here as they are created:



Marketing Cloud




Topics: Marketing Cloud

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