Salesforce Forms Considerations - Web-to-Case, Pardot, and Gravity Forms

Whether capturing new Leads, creating customer support Cases, or both, it can be hard to determine the best approach for creating and configuring forms that integrate with your Salesforce instance. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the main options available along with key considerations and pros and cons of each. Read More

Pardot-WebEx Playbook

Pardot-WebEx Playbook
Any digital market knows that webinars are a great way to connect with potential customers, but like any marketing effort, the big question is… “How can we report on ROI?” If you’re using Cisco WebEx to host webinars, Pardot as your marketing automation platform, and Salesforce Sales Cloud as your CRM, then you are in the right place! This article will show you how to set up a framework that... Read More

Holland Dotts included in first class of Salesforce Marketing Champions

After almost 5 years since beginning my journey in the Salesforce ecosystem, I’ve recently been included in the 2020 inaugural class of “Salesforce Marketing Champions”. Receiving this notification has been an honor, certainly because of the recognition from "the mother ship", but more so because of my inclusion with other members who have been incredibly helpful to me along the way. Read More

Marketing Cloud WAC - Web Analytics Connector Overview

Marketing Cloud Web Analytics Connector
The Web Analytics Connector (WAC) is a free Marketing Cloud feature that appends a ‘string’ to every Email Studio email link. Simply put, it adds data to the end of your links for tracking purposes. The string is typically used to add Google Analytics UTM Parameters, but it can really be used for anything you want. You have complete control over the contents of the “string”. Read More

On-Demand Webinar: Marketing Cloud Demo

Person watching on-demand Marketing Cloud webinar.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud or Pardot? Which is best for Manufacturing?

The manufacturing industry is undergoing a fundamental shift. Their business is no longer centered on making products. Instead, it’s all about building relationships with customers to satisfy their desires and needs. In this new Age of the Customer, manufacturers must adopt the sophisticated marketing and customer service strategies formerly consigned to the domain of their retailers and... Read More