What the Future Looks Like for Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ)

More and more is being asked of software for businesses, particularly as options for business-to-business sales of new and differing types (think subscription boxes) increases. In fact, configure, price, quote, known as CPQ, software continues to gather a bigger segment of the market. Read More

Infographic: Shop Floor 360

Data and Analytics Powering the Shop Floor Modern manufacturing increasingly relies on integrating, analyzing, and communicating data. On the shop floor, that means gathering intelligence from processes, people, machines, and systems to gain a complete view of your operations. Read More

Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: 10 Best Practices

Digital transformation efforts are on nearly every manufacturer's road map. But these initiatives go beyond the scope of technology upgrades or short-term projects — they are major cultural shifts. Here are our 10 best practices for managing digital transformation projects in manufacturing. Read More