6 KPIs for Shipping and Logistics

Help Control Costs and Increase Customer Satisfaction with These 6 Key Performance Indicators for Logistics Logistics is a critical area for most businesses. So if you’re not tracking key performance indicators for shipping and logistics, you have a huge blind-spot. Read More

9 KPIs for Modern Manufacturing

These 9 Manufacturing Key Performance Indicators Can Help You Increase Productivity — and Profits Whether you are looking at a spectacular or less than stellar year, it’s rarely a bad time to consider your company’s goals for the future. Those can range from the lofty to the minute, but one principle stands across the board: if it can’t be tracked, it can’t be measured. And if it can’t be... Read More

The Big Picture: Gaining a 360-Degree View of Your Company

Success in modern manufacturing relies on real-time insight — from the supply chain to the shop floor, from shipping and logistics to the end customer. This article originally ran in the Charlotte Business Journal. When you look at your company, customers, and products, chances are you're not interested in just seeing a small piece of the puzzle. In order to make the right decisions, it's vital... Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Effective Dashboards

Operational, Analytical, and Strategic Dashboards for Manufacturing One of the many benefits of using data-driven platforms like Salesforce is the ability to easily create and edit reports and dashboards. When done correctly, these reporting features can provide crucial insight to stakeholders across all levels of your company, drive action from employees, and monitor the health of your business... Read More

Infographic: Shop Floor 360

Data and Analytics Powering the Shop Floor Modern manufacturing increasingly relies on integrating, analyzing, and communicating data. On the shop floor, that means gathering intelligence from processes, people, machines, and systems to gain a complete view of your operations. Read More

5 Stages of Analytical Maturity for Manufacturers

Evaluate your analytical capabilities to move your company forward You know your company should be using data and analytics more effectively — and you want to. But you have no idea where to begin. Read More

Managing Data in Salesforce: Key Terms and Processes

As a system of engagement, Salesforce has long been best in class. Manufacturers across the globe use Salesforce to manage relationships with prospects, customers, vendors, influencers, and channel partners. Read More

Connecting business data to business goals

Using descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics frameworks to ask the right questions in manufacturing You’ve seen the warnings time and again: Read More

From the shop floor to customer experience, data drives manufacturing

8-minute video Read More

3 Formulas for Comparing Sales Data In Salesforce

Comparing Sales Month over Month (MoM), Year over Year (YoY), and Year to Date (YTD) over the Previous Year to Date Read More
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