How HydraForce Saved $40,000 Annually with Salesforce & Rootstock

Tony Vagnerini
By Tony Vagnerini | Principal ERP Consultant, Mountain Point
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Mountain Point Customer Success Story: HydraForce
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Using Rootstock ERP to increase automation and drive innovation

HydraForce had a problem. Their highly qualified, top-notch engineering team was spending too much time on redundant, transactional processes. To free up their time for more valuable efforts, they turned to Mountain Point to assist with their Rootstock Cloud ERP processes and add automation. Check out HydraForce’s ROI and Outcomes Success Story to see how they did it — and what they achieved along the way!

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Doing More, Spending Less

“We save about $750 per week — almost $40,000 per year —  in staff time.”

- Kevin, Engineering Manager, HydraForce

The Digital Transformation Journey

HydraForce tasked Mountain Point with helping them automate repetitive processes to maximize employees’ time.

Goals: Automate, Customize, and Consolidate

To take advantage of their Cloud ERP system, HydraForce wanted to focus on automating processes and cut out redundant, duplicative tasks for their employees. They had three goals:

  1. Allow HydraForce’s engineering team to focus on creating customized, innovative solutions for their customers instead of on redundant, repetitive processes. 
  2. Automate processes to perform work order transactions. 
  3. Allow HydraForce to grow their business by consolidating and automating their manual processes within Rootstock.

How We Got There

To help HydraForce process transactions more quickly, we created automated processes on the work order object. This included the ability to clone, close, and reverse close work orders and create validations for the progression of work orders based on customer-defined criteria. 

To further aid automation efforts, we built custom tools on the work order object including intuitive buttons and specified schedules for qualifying transactions.

ROI and Key Outcomes: More efficient — and effective

By integrating data sources and automating processes, HydraForce was able to process work orders faster and more efficiently — saving $750 per week (almost $40,000 per year!) in staff time. 

Now their engineers are able to focus on creating innovative solutions for their customers instead of churning through repetitive and redundant tasks. With the engineering team focused on their area of expertise, HydraForce is positioned to further maximize their ROI with increased deliverables and employee productivity. 

Tools and Solutions Used: Salesforce Sales Cloud and Rootstock ERP

Rootstock Cloud ERP

HydraForce chose Rootstock to harness all of their manufacturing processes and data in one place. The agility and interconnectedness of Rootstock give them a true 360-degree view of their business and allow them to keep pace with shifting market demands. 

Salesforce Sales Cloud

By centralizing their data on the Salesforce platform, HydraForce has been able to develop unified solutions that enhance and monitor every sector of the business from their front-end CRM to the Shop Floor.

Decreased Time, Increased Value

“The developments that Mountain Point deployed have allowed our engineers to spend more time bringing value to HydraForce with their expertise rather than doing redundant administrative work on the platform.”

-Kevin, Engineering Manager, HydraForce

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Topics: Rootstock ERP, ROI, Customer Success

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