Our ERP Launch may be delayed, but we're still human in these times of uncertainty

Andrew Rieser
By Andrew Rieser | Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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Travel was planned, months of hard work were behind us and the exciting "go-live" of Arch Fab's new Cloud ERP was going to be celebrated.  Unfortunately the global pandemic had other plans and we had to delay.   

While in the big scheme of things this isn't a major concern, it does however put a halt into the momentum that has been generated month after month and the mutual anticipation of seeing the end results of these efforts.

We can't control everything and adapting to the proverbial curve-balls that get thrown our way is all we can do.

Experiencing first hand - through small tokens of appreciation - how our team is addressing these new circumstances and handling these situations by being there for our customers truly makes my day!


Topics: Customer Success

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