Q&A Friday: Digging into the Rootstock Customer Service Console

Tony Vagnerini
By Tony Vagnerini | Principal ERP Consultant, Mountain Point
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How did Matouk reduce calls to their customer service department by 80% and provide a better customer experience? Using a Customer Service Console!

In this episode of our “Q&A Friday” series, we chat with our Principal ERP Consultant, Tony, about how the Rootstock Customer Service Console can help companies cut down on overhead AND improve customer experience.

Tony shares a solution he developed in collaboration with Rootstock ERP and Matouk, a 90-year-old textile manufacturing company serving high-end distribution partners, interior designers, and direct customers.

Following implementation, Matouk was able to…

  • Give their customer service reps better insight into the fulfillment process
  • Improve customers’ and channel partners’ ordering experience
  • Reduce customer service calls by 80%!

How’d they do it? Using the Rootstock customer service console! Check out this week’s video to learn more.



See also: Demo: Cloud ERP Mobile App

Have a question you’d like answered? Let us know, and we’ll talk through it on a future episode!

Topics: Rootstock ERP, Consumer Packaged Goods Cloud, Demo

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