On-Demand Webinar: Mining Your Mountain of Data

Jessica Vodden
By Jessica Vodden | Director of Marketing and Communications, Mountain Point
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Turning Mountains of Data into Big Returns

To compete in the world of Industry 4.0, manufacturers must make strategic use of analytics, artificial intelligence, and automation — all of which rely on data. Within your company’s mountain of data is a virtual gold mine. But you have to be able to see below the surface to tap its potential.


This webinar recording will help you do just that. Watch to find out how Mountain Point and our partner Jitterbit worked with luxury textile manufacturer Matouk to create an integrated data system yielding an ROI of 233% in just six months! In this recorded webinar, we discuss ways to unlock and understand your data. Then we tackle strategies for using that insight to improve operational efficiency, track your outcomes, serve your customers and even predict the future!

Webinar Recorded on November 6, 2018

Watch the recorded webinar

See also: Podcast: In Modern Manufacturing, Data is King

Topics: Data Analytics, Webinar, Data Integrations, Consumer Packaged Goods Cloud

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