Salesforce Service Cloud Integrations

Julie Corrigan
By Julie Corrigan | Project Manager & Business Analyst, Mountain Point
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How Lodge Cast Iron Gained a Complete View of the Customer Experience

Lodge Cast Iron had a simple, but challenging, goal: put customer service at the center of their company. To do that, they knew they needed to tear down the silos separating their customer service reps from the rest of the company. The solution? Salesforce Service Cloud.

Integrating Data with Service Cloud

We helped Lodge integrate a variety of data streams within the Service Cloud platform and give their customer service representatives all the information they need, at their fingertips.

See also: Demo: Field Service Lightning

In this episode of our regular Q&A Friday series, we walk through how we helped Lodge integrate data from a wide variety of sources — including shipping information, inventory details, order statuses, customer service cases, and finance records — using Salesforce Service Cloud as the hub.



Have a question you'd like answered? Let us know in the comments section below! We'll try to tackle it in a future episode.


Topics: Service Cloud, Consumer Packaged Goods Cloud, Demo

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