Cloud ERP and SaaS Adoption Continuing to Grow

Moving Beyond the Hype Cycle Gartner’s Chris Pang recently described the advances being made to bring ERP into the cloud in an online webcast. He notes that for small to medium-size organizations, cloud has moved beyond the “hype cycle” and up the “slope of enlightenment.” Read More

ERP Evaluation

Cloud Computing Is Changing Business

"Cloud computing represents one of those once-in-a-generation shifts that not only changes the way we think about managing information, but also the way we design and run businesses." - Joe McKendrick Read More

Cloud ERP - Security, Change Management Still a Challenge

ERP Implementation Challenges Read More

Usability, Cloud and Analytics - Top ERP Trends

After spending several hours analyzing reports extracted from a manufacturing companies legacy ERP system today I want to (re)emphasize that your business system should not be an impediment for your users! Read More

Continue to Invest in Your Legacy ERP or Rip and Replace?

Legacy ERP Systems Can No Longer Keep Pace

The following are excerpts taken from a Forbes blog post "The Days of Brute Force ERP are Over" Read More

Lessons from Bank of America's Largest IT Job Role in Financial Services

This week Salesforce's annual Dreamforce conference is going on and the phrases; "Internet of Customers," "Customer Companies," and "Intersections of the CIO and CMO" have been resounding themes. Read More
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