Cloud ERP and SaaS Adoption Continuing to Grow

Moving Beyond the Hype Cycle Gartner’s Chris Pang recently described the advances being made to bring ERP into the cloud in an online webcast. He notes that for small to medium-size organizations, cloud has moved beyond the “hype cycle” and up the “slope of enlightenment.” Read More

Business Transformations: Moving from the Industrial to Information Economy

Transforming Read More

Usability, Cloud and Analytics - Top ERP Trends

After spending several hours analyzing reports extracted from a manufacturing companies legacy ERP system today I want to (re)emphasize that your business system should not be an impediment for your users! Read More

The Calm Before the Storm

With the New Year quickly approaching we are now entering the quiet period just before a great wave of activity and excitement begins. For our team at Mountain Point, this activity could be the excitement of holiday travels and spending time with friends and family. But as a business, we see the New Year as a very exciting time for us and for our new and existing clients. Read More

Cloudscape - Top 300 Cloud Computing Companies

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