From the shop floor to customer experience, data drives manufacturing

8-minute video Read More

Thinking about moving to a cloud-based manufacturing platform? Don’t waste your time or money.

6-minute video Read More

Practical change management tips for managing a digital transformation

6-minute video Read More

Digital Transformation: What’s the Point?

7-minute video You know the saying… “if you don’t know where you’re going, every road will take you there.” The same is true for digital transformation initiatives. And you can bet the journey will be expensive. Read More

When it comes to digital transformation, focus on customers, not cost-cutting.

11-minute video Many manufacturers perk up at the idea of saving money by going digital. And it’s true… successful digital transformation efforts can help you streamline and automate processes, gain increased insight into your operations, and speed up delivery times — all of which are effective cost-saving strategies. Read More

Digital Transformation: Why You Need a C-Suite Champion

Why do you need a C-Suite Champion in Digital Transformation? 11-minute video Read More

4 Ways Salesforce Can Help Manufacturing Companies Go Mobile

This morning, I drove through the Starbucks drive-thru on my way to work and handed my phone to the barista. She scanned the barcode on my screen, handed me a caramel iced coffee with 2% milk, and I enjoyed a blissful moment of consumer satisfaction as I saw new rewards points rack up. Their delicious coffee, hipster tunes, and well-designed stores are great. But the main thing that draws me (and... Read More

Digital Transformation: What You Need to Know

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10 Steps for Success 10-minute video Read More

Managing digital transformation in manufacturing: an agile or a waterfall approach?

Digital transformation efforts require a thoughtful approach to change management When we talk about the 4th industrial revolution, we don’t use phrases like “digital upgrades” or “digital tinkering” to describe the changes that are happening in manufacturing companies around the globe. Instead, we call it “digital transformation.” And that’s just what it is — a complete transformation of your... Read More

Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: 10 Best Practices

Digital transformation efforts are on nearly every manufacturer's road map. But these initiatives go beyond the scope of technology upgrades or short-term projects — they are major cultural shifts. Here are our 10 best practices for managing digital transformation projects in manufacturing. Read More
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