Realignment of Business Models

Improving Processes and Innovating

Improving Processes and Innovating Business Process Outsourcing clients want to incorporate data, analytics, cloud and other technologies in a creative mix that will improve their business. Read More

Stepping out of the Reactive Mindset

With decades old business systems and processes, most business owners and leaders are still struggling to identify how their business can catch up with; and more importantly benefit from, adopting and integrating new technologies. Read More

Digital Strategy Execution

Cloud Computing Is Changing Business

"Cloud computing represents one of those once-in-a-generation shifts that not only changes the way we think about managing information, but also the way we design and run businesses." - Joe McKendrick Read More

Customer Experience

Like most consumers, I first began my research of a product online. This time it was for my next coffee home brewing system. I zeroed in on Keurig and explored the different features, functionality, and price-points on their website. Once I narrowed down my selection I located a local distributor (Bed Bath and Beyond - we always get their mailers with a 20% off coupon) and went and made my... Read More

What is your Digital Strategy?

When describing Mountain Point's services to prospective customers we are often asked "What is Digital Transformation?" Read More

CIOs Will Lead Digital Innovation

The CIO’s role in business today is far-wider reaching and higher up on the boardroom agenda than ever before. Read More

Digital Transformation

Internet of Everything

Manufacturers and other industrial organizations need to prepare their operations and products for the emerging, connected world of the Internet of Things (IoT). ARC Advisory Group believes that the emerging IoT will offer value across multiple industrial sectors and applications. Cisco expands on this, using the term, "Internet of Everything" (IoE) to describe its vision of bringing people,... Read More
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