Moving to a cloud-based manufacturing platform: What to Expect

When managing a digital transformation project, think beyond the technology Cloud ERP, marketing automation systems, customer service platforms, and IoT integrations are crucial tools in the Industry 4.0 toolbox. But these efforts go beyond a simple technology upgrade. Read More

Cloud Manufacturing: Is 2019 the Year of the Manufacturing Platform?

Spoiler: YES… but it’s more like the Cloud Manufacturing DECADE At the beginning of the year, Forbes named 2019 the Year of the Manufacturing Platform. We couldn’t agree more. In fact, in January, we recorded a video (see below) outlining our predictions for what a truly unified Manufacturing Platform might look like along with some advice on how manufacturers might make the most of these... Read More

Cloud ERP on the Horizon?

The digital forecast is definitely cloudy, but the likelihood of sun or storms is up to you. Over the past few years, more and more companies have moved to Cloud ERP systems and cloud-based systems of engagement. Monolithic, on-premise legacy ERP systems are sunsetting with unified Marketing, Sales, Service, and ERP platforms moving in. Read More

Succeeding in Manufacturing 4.0 Takes Grit

If you’ve undertaken a digital transformation effort, you know firsthand that grit is an essential component. Obstacles are plentiful, and the finish line often becomes a moving target. Read More

Digital Transformation Journey - Framework for Systems Integrators to Deliver Value

Mountain Point is coming up on our 5 year anniversary at the end of October. This month has been full of reflection and adjustments to try and put ourselves in the best position to succeed for another 5 years. There have been many lessons learned along the way, and this post is going to highlight the importance of Customer Success by focusing on the lifecycle we see with our customers and the... Read More

Green Screens to Cloud ERP

In a past Industry Week article, Tales of an ERP Implementation: Part Two, they talk about the long process and some lessons learned about how Jelly Belly transformed away from their Green Screen to a modern ERP system. Read More

In Modern Manufacturing, It's Innovate or Die

Every chief executive worth his salt knows that the key to growth lies in scaling what works. Except now, it isn't. Read More

Know Your Customers, Industry 4.0 Edition

First Published on IndustryWeek, Jun 05, 2018 Read More

Manufacturing Processes & Thinking: Beyond the Shop-Floor

In 1972 Theodore Levitt and the Harvard Business Review (HBR) published a piece on Customer Service titled - Production-Line Approach to Service. Read More

Salesforce for Manufacturing & Cloud ERP Systems Propel Digital Transformations

By Andrew Rieser, President, Mountain Point Read More
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