Andrew Rieser

Andrew Rieser
Co-Founder and CEO, Mountain Point
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3 Crucial Steps to Managing Lead Engagement in Salesforce

Are you worried about where your Lead information is going and whether your reps are following up with the leads you give them? You’ve just returned from a trade show and you’re excited to start shuffling this new list of interested leads off to your sales team and have them follow up with each new prospect. You get to the office, hand the sales manager the list, and sit down at your desk feeling... Read More

4 Part Action Plan for Account Growth

Across all industries, staying competitive and growing market share is a key concern for many executive teams. Specifically for manufacturers, sustaining vertical sales growth YoY can be difficult if the business processes and resources are not aligned and working efficiently. As more manufacturers experience Digital Transformation, growing emphasis is being placed on companies having lean and... Read More

3 Problems with Inflated Sales Pipelines

Your Sales Pipeline is more than just a number. Make sure you're not hurting your business by over inflating your pipeline. Read More

Digital Transformation Success of Matouk

Read how Mountain Point lead this +85 year old manufacturing company on their journey to peak performance. Read More

Warranty Registration and Drop Ships

GOAL: Build brand loyalty by identifying, tracking, and connecting with end users. Read More

Projects - Influencers, Distributors, Activities, and Data

GOAL: Effectively manage Project Influencers, Distributors, Activities, and Data. Read More

Trailhead Tracker

Salesforce has given companies of all size, industry, and location the ability to boost their productivity levels and achieve objectives they’ve never been able to comprehend. The cloud-based solution promotes itself as the leading CRM solution that can drive your company to unparalleled success. However, some companies are still lagging to see this success and the reason is almost always tied to... Read More

Account Planning and Sales Activity Management in Manufacturing

We have discovered that manufactures often seek a useful way to better manage and increase their sales reps’ performance and want to implement a more effective account planning tool. They want to see metrics around things like the number of calls and follow up tasks, what types of meetings are scheduled, and track the results of all this activity. Additionally, they want a solution that helps... Read More

Sample Requests

GOAL: Streamline the sample request process and manage the data it generates. Read More

Account Management

GOAL: Understand the difference between Influencer Accounts and Transactional Accounts - and why it matters. Read More