Demo: A Self-Service Portal for B2B Customers

Providing Real-Time Customer Updates through Salesforce Communities 6-minute video Read More

5 Change Management Tips to Steal from Tech

Continuous improvement is key to manufacturers' success Manufacturers have invested heavily in new technology for the shop floor. But their back offices have largely been left untouched. Read More

Demo: Cloud ERP mobile app

Enhance your ERP system by bringing your data to the warehouse and shop floor 12-minute video Read More

Mountain Point earns 'Silver Status' as a Salesforce consulting partner

Company President attributes growth and success to the rise of manufacturing 4.0 “Our growth is an indicator of where manufacturing is headed. The future is in the cloud.” — Andrew Rieser, Co-Founder and President of Mountain Point Read More

Learn how one company saved their sales team’s sanity

Using Salesforce CPQ to simplify complex quoting processes 8-minute video Read More

Demo: Managing Channel Partners in Sales Cloud

How OEMs can use Salesforce to Align and Engage their Distributor Network Read More

In modern manufacturing, data is king.

Podcast: How manufacturers can become data-centric Read More

Managing digital transformation in manufacturing: an agile or a waterfall approach?

Digital transformation efforts require a thoughtful approach to change management When we talk about the 4th industrial revolution, we don’t use phrases like “digital upgrades” or “digital tinkering” to describe the changes that are happening in manufacturing companies around the globe. Instead, we call it “digital transformation.” And that’s just what it is — a complete transformation of your... Read More

Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: 10 Best Practices

Digital transformation efforts are on nearly every manufacturer's road map. But these initiatives go beyond the scope of technology upgrades or short-term projects — they are major cultural shifts. Here are our 10 best practices for managing digital transformation projects in manufacturing. Read More

Moving to a cloud-based manufacturing platform: What to Expect

When managing a digital transformation project, think beyond the technology Cloud ERP, marketing automation systems, customer service platforms, and IoT integrations are crucial tools in the Industry 4.0 toolbox. But these efforts go beyond a simple technology upgrade. Read More